62 definitions by Joe725

1) Someone who never has ideas or opinions of their own. Instead uses those of other people. In fear of their ideas or opinions being stupid. Also because if their "opinions" and "ideas" are attacked its not really their opinion or idea so they have more comfort. Or they are just huge conformists who are usually too lazy to learn about something and form an opinion on it themselves.

2) Someone who says the same thing over, tells stories multiple times, when they were only funny the first time. Or uses the same joke all the time.

How to tell if someone is the first type of repeater.

1) They express strong opinions, yet have one or two things to back it up, nothing else.
2) They never explain their copied opinions.
person: Have you heard of Iron Maiden?
repeater: Who are they?
person: A Metal band.
person2: They suck.
repeater: Yeah they suck!

person: Get off, I really don't want you on me.
repeater: Thats what she said.
group: HAHAHA!
person: That was awesome.
repeater: Thats what she said.
group: hahaha...
person: That one wasn't that good.
repeater: Thats what she said.
group: Shut the fuck up.
by Joe725 November 22, 2007
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A term for a person who is an active listener of Death Metal. Usually Death Metal is the only genre they listen to and they condemn all other music. Usually Power Metal, Nu-Metal, Rap, and Emo. Most Death Metallers heard so much as 10 seconds of a song in each of those genres, or just hate them because another Death Metaller hates them.

Usually Death Metallers are anti-social. They believe that listening to Metal makes them superior to anyone who doesn't. They take music way too seriously, they never talk to anyone who likes music other than Death Metal. So usually they have few or no friends. So they talk on Metal forums such as the Ultimate Metal forum. Conversations on those forums are usually about Metal, how everything besides Metal sucks, and how everyone is an idiot for making fun of them for liking Death Metal. Death Metallers are usually assholes to you if you don't like Death Metal, if you talk to one about music other than Death Metal you will most likely get a "you're fucking retarded". It is hard to talk to a Death Metaller about anything other than music because thats all that they are interested in.

In short Death Metallers are usually narrow minded anti-social elitists.
Death Metallers are narrow minded anti-social elitists.
by Joe725 December 22, 2007
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The greatest music genre, the power and skill of it came from centuries of slaves being put in pens, and some of the only things they were allowed to do were sing, or play instruments if they had any.

As a result it built up and became an amazing style.

It turned into Rock N' Roll in the 20th century and is played by musicians such as Eric Clapton.

Some of teens condemn The Blues saying its boring, but if it wasn't for the blues we wouldn't have any of the music we listen to.
Nothing beats The Blues
by Joe725 May 28, 2007
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When a drug dealers field is burned usually by another drug dealer so that the other drug dealer can make more money
drug dealer: i was crop flaring yesterday!
by Joe725 June 25, 2006
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A genre of music that appeared in the 90's. It uses elements of Hip-Hop and Hardcore. The style is not Metal, it is associated with Metalcore. Examples of Nu-Metal are:

Linkin Park

Nu-Metal is hated with a passion by Metalheads, yet, without Nu-Metal tons of Metalheads wouldn't exist. Nu-Metal provides a good middle ground for people who like pop music but aren't ready for the growls, and shrieks of Metal. Most people who get into Nu-Metal end up listening to Metal afterwards.
by Joe725 March 9, 2008
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Also known as hypochondriasis of medical students. What happens to some medical students who learn about diseases. The one and only symptom of it is that they think they have diseases they are learning about.

It is also used for a student learning medicine or psychology who over analyzes everything and everyone and thinks everyone has a disease or mental condition.

Normally they find that they or someone else has one symptom of a disease and think that they or another person has the disease. Usually they ignore all other symptoms.
1)Medical Student: I have a fever above 100.4! I have SARS!
Student: No, you just have Medical Student Syndrome

2) My friend has Medical Student Syndrome. He's taking a psychology class and he diagnosed me with Autism, ADD, and Asperger's syndrome.
by Joe725 June 14, 2008
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Pwns Per Hour. What determines a videogamers skill.
My friend sucks at counterstrike, he averages about 1 or 2 PPH.
by Joe725 August 21, 2007
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