20 definitions by Ghandi

n. the day you pay the pusher man for some dank and bake until the world changes colors
On 4:20 we bought 1/2 and smoked every last bit of that sweet green grass in the basement
by Ghandi September 19, 2002
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Man let's go get our tacklin' fuel on in that rand new bowl i bought.
by Ghandi September 18, 2002
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One who enters into a new environment without taking the time to learn any of the social rules of the place. Then they promptly make pretty much every social gaff you can imagine this side of shitting on the dinner table.

While telling his stories, I realized the deepness to his being a sherardo.
by Ghandi February 25, 2003
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the goods you get from many a grand treasure hunt
After going out for a night on the town johnny came home with much plunder: Charon and Sarah.
by Ghandi September 18, 2002
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Damn, that was pfs i nearly jumped
by Ghandi September 18, 2002
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a modern form of torture used to subjugate and enforce the rules of "acad-e-mic-s" upon the slobbering youths
Bob feared his math class, and thus did not attend the gathering of defunkified zombies, instead opting to go and visit the bathroom for between 45-120 minutes
by Ghandi September 23, 2002
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When listening to the Don and Mike show, I had to take a huge BM
by Ghandi February 25, 2003
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