2 definitions by StankJunkie

To "cancel" someone, or for someone to get "cancelled", means that a large group of 14 year old ariana grande stans form together and choose to involve themselves in your business, ruining your life for something you did 4 years ago, or cyberbullying you until you apologize to them personally even though they were not involved in the situation. People tend to cancel other people for minor infractions, yet those same people approve of and encourage the actions of much worse people"
"She got cancelled on twitter because people accused her of asian fishing. She is half asian"
by StankJunkie August 26, 2021
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When a group of twitter stans involve themselves in your personal business and often cuberbully you (via doxxing, cyberstalking, etc) until you apologize personally to them for something that didnt involve them. Often they will cancel people who make minor mistakes or infractions while completely ignoring the ones that commit actual crimes and acts of manipulation.
1: "She got cancelled for asian fishing."
2: "What?! But she's half asian!"
1: "Not asian enough for them i guess lol"
by StankJunkie August 26, 2021
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