12 definitions by Omni

To be extremely crappy or of poor quality. see also craptacular, craptastic.
That last Matrix movie sure sucked puppy schlong.
by Omni November 13, 2003
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The lucky bastard who will be trying to pickup the hottest girl in a group. Always accompanied by a wingman or two who are designated to engage the hot chick's ugly/bitchy/annoying friend(s).
He saw the brunette first, so Clark's gonna be commander tonight.
by Omni November 14, 2003
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A group of friends accompanying the woman you're trying to hit on. Most are usually girlgoyles. They can be deflected away from you by skillful usage of a wingman or two.
Man, that chick's got too many bogeys with her! We need more wingmen!
by Omni November 18, 2003
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Possibly the scariest game ever made... Nuber 1 was very scary when it first came out because people had never experienced such psyhcological images or had as much fear when playing a normal game... It took over the throne of survival horror series after the second in the series was released.
Me - "Damn whats that fucking ringing noise?"
Me - "Phew think i lost him"
Steven - "Dude why's that sword in your character's body...?"
Me - "Fuck..."
by Omni June 16, 2004
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One of the greatest places in the whole freakin' world. It's the capital of Texas. The weather varies from being incredibly hot to rainy, and stormy. Sometimes there are tornadoes. There are animals like rattlesnakes and armdillos there. The price of living isn't that expensive, and it's just a very good place to be.
by Omni March 4, 2004
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An old and senile person. Someone who acts like an old person.
"Grandma can be a complete Jurassic slapass sometimes."
by Omni November 13, 2003
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see also the Force. An undefinable power that permeates all things, living and inanimate. This power allows those who are keenly attuned to it enjoy clarity of thought and reach a level of understanding of the universe beyond empirical observation.
"May the Roast be with you, always."
by Omni November 11, 2003
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