10 definitions by Jeema

The act of using a gift card to purchase another gift card of equal or slightly greater value in order to hide the fact that you're just regifting the original gift card.
After I do some gift card laundering at the mall today, these gift cards I got last Christmas will be squeaky clean and ready for regifting. No one will ever catch on to my operation - muhahaHAHA!
by Jeema December 7, 2009
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An insulting term which implies that the recipient of the insult is worthless, except for the purposes of other people putting their penises into - hence the notion that the person is a 'bag' for 'dicks'. See also: cumdumpster.
Adam told me to quit being such a dickbag all the time.
by Jeema August 3, 2005
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A very informal goodbye greeting; 'see you later'. Sometimes used in an ironic fashion for goodbyes that should be more serious, i.e. the recipient dying, being killed, defeated, or left behind.
Peace out, Holmes. Catch you on the flipside.
by Jeema November 9, 2005
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A phrase used to gently chastise someone for attacking you verbally.
Dude 1: I told you I didn't like pepperoni on my pizza, dickhead.
Dude 2: Damn, don't tase me, bro. I forgot.
by Jeema November 2, 2007
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The same as thrifting, except that you steal the thrift-store merchandise instead of actually paying for it. 'Threfting' is a portmanteau word combining 'thrifting' and 'theft'.
Me and Adam went threfting the other day. We walked out in completely different clothes than what we walked in wearing and no one even noticed!
by Jeema June 27, 2006
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Someone who really likes wearing wigs.
John: Yo your mom is such a wigger, B - her hair be different every day.

Phil: Dude she has cancer. She's bald from the chemo.

John: Aw freall? My bad, yo.
by Jeema July 21, 2008
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An informal goodbye greeting. Usually used to indicate that the recipient is somehow defeated, unworthy, or left behind; hence their worthiness to appear only as a comic strip character in the funny pages.
by Jeema November 9, 2005
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