2 definitions by Adisa

A derisive term for computer geeks who proffer 3 fundamental beliefs:
1) Microsoft can do no wrong and is right and admirable to pursue dominance by any means necessary.
2) There are NO other viable computing/development platforms.
3) That successful marketing by Microsoft has not influenced their computing/technology choices.

The term "Billion" is a combination of 'Bill' (Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder and it's most recognizable face) and 'Legion'. So, "billion" = "Bill's Legions." Also, it's a play on the idea that such people eagerly add billions of dollars to Mr. Gates' fortunes.
"His anti-Open Source tirade was spoken like a true Billion."
"My life as a Billion has not been without it's share of viruses and installation headaches."
"No self-respecting Billion would be caught dead using a Macintosh."
by Adisa November 9, 2004
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Kumbayah is a uniquely African-American contribution to American English.

Kumbayah is a Gullah pronunciation of the phrase "Come by here" (or "come by yah", 'yah' being a West African form of 'here'.)

This word has been turned into an ironic term by overusage and misinterpretation by the mainstream culture. However, it's actually a call to God to visit the singer. "Kumbayah my lord" means 'come by here, my lord".
"Kumbayah my lord"
"Let's all join hands and sing Kumbayah."
by Adisa September 20, 2007
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