That they are cracking jokes about you
by Jnash10 December 19, 2015
To be "on (someone's) head" is to make fun of someone or "roast " them. My little brother insists this is already a phrase so it ought to be on here
by the regan8r April 19, 2018
by Emily Myers January 1, 2014
by fox! June 14, 2007
having more difficulties than you can manage
by tsktskshit October 28, 2015
a phrase used by every white Australian male PE teacher when you fuck around.
you're better off to stop being fucking annoying or they'll call you fuckwit for the rest of the year.
you're better off to stop being fucking annoying or they'll call you fuckwit for the rest of the year.
by clappyfappy March 30, 2019
This is when something annoys to the point that you feel like your head is going to explode i.e. complete frustration
by AnnieG August 9, 2005