Work done

1. When playing any game in a PvP setting, whether it is a MMO or FPS, and kick the other teams ass.

2. Answer to the phrase "Do work"
Blaster: Man did you see that; I know they were noobie villains, but we beat them like a redheaded stepchild. They did not even kill one of us.

Controller: Work done.
by Bigezay November 9, 2007
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getting work done

Has a variety of meaninings and can be applied in many ways-
It basically means when players are getting work done on hunnies and creepin single/young game and friends of friends (competition is always healthy)
1. Lc- Zj phantom you been getting work done over the weekend
ZJ= I been creepin 24/7 365 with my iph4- girls pumped for the phantom

2. Sj- Lc get to work on that trim down at the f/shore

Lc- damn son, that work is easy money for me

3. Zj= I heard this Dc cat is getting work done on some yg trim

Dc- yeah, i been to prison- ai girl this my boy sj fresh out the joint

4. Lc- Sj getting work done all holidays, man this cat can creep
Sj- mo money, mo probelms for these hunnies- hot hand cell in one hand- 5 fingers to the face the other;)
by brown bear g 6530 July 20, 2011
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She Needs Some Work Done

An ironic double entendre that a guy would say to a friend about a hot girl he sees. It jokingly suggests she needs to lose weight or have some cosmetic surgery, but it actually means he thinks she needs to be fucked. Loosely based on the porn theme of a male porn star dressed as a contractor showing up and offering his "services" to the female actress posing as a lonely housewife.
Dude, look at her, a total smokeshow. She looks lonely. I think she needs some work done.
by Miagos November 9, 2020
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It's what you say when you're traveling for business, typically at a trade show or event, and you want to go back to your hotel room to use the crapper.
Listen guys, I'll be back in a bit. I gotta go get some work done.
by sprtagt May 10, 2011
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My Work Here Is Done

Something you say when your job at a particular location is done, so you can leave now.
Plumber: Is the toilet working now?
Me: Yeah, it's fixed.
Plumber: Good. Then my work here is done.
by MalumLibrum958 July 11, 2022
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