The Duck

A duck which lives in the center of the earth that will one day bring about the apocalypse unless mankind either keeps feeding him bread or uses water to cool down the earth's core.
"How can you not know about the duck unless you are some kind of douchebag?"
by supercoolpersondudeman February 2, 2009
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The Duck

Someone is a professional at thorough blow-jobs that leave you satisfied on all fronts, also this person has given just enough of them so they can profile your needs.

This term was invented at Wells College in Aurora, NY by members of the men's basketball team in its early years.
We're having a party later maybe The Duck will come and finish us all off.


That girl says she likes me, fuck that, The Duck should know her role by now!
by TheMahico1989 October 23, 2014
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The Duck

Historical spot in Harford County, MD. Founded by Susquehannock Native Americans. Called the duck because the Indians would come here and hunt duck and cook it on the fire; now it's a dope spot.
by Duck man davey March 30, 2016
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When your autocorrect feels the need to annoy you. Our phones are taking over our free will to speak.
Bob: I ducking hate Joe!
Bob: God Donut I meant ducking
Bob: *ducking
Bob: Duck this phone
Bob: I'm going to jump off a ducking cliff now
by N. D. Toilet August 18, 2014
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A waterfowl.

But also, a funny person
T: I saw two ducks yesterday, they were stalking me through the window

H: I is a duck for sure
by Ace the simp March 9, 2023
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