dog food

Slang for brown rock heroin
I overheard some guys talking about how killer the "dog food" was, well five minutes later I saw them get carried off by twelve.
by CharlieUniformNovemberTango October 1, 2018
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dog food

A word used to refer to the drug heroine.
I'm off that dog food.
by Chris February 14, 2005
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dog food

hey can i stope through for some dog food.
by shawn30 January 13, 2021
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dog food

Heroine, in it's raw form resembles dog food in appearance.
The raw heroine seen in movies.....and your local kingpins house.
by xander9727 January 7, 2005
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dog food

what they serve in all school cafeterias across the country
todays special: dog food (liver and shit flavored)
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dog food

you know what dog food tastes like? it tastes just like it smells- delicious!
Purina One Dog Chow tastes just like it smells- delicious!
by tyrone biggums March 10, 2004
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dog food

Dog food is my anti drug but now i am addicted to it. WOOF WOOF WOOF!
by Aleu April 28, 2003
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