A more proper way of telling someone they are a complete fucking idiot. Commonly said with a short rap on one's own head for emphasis.

Used in situations where sayign the words "complete fucking idiot" may get you in trouble, such as school.
That screen door was closed and you walked right through it, you ding-dong!
by moi April 21, 2004
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the part of you thats near ur waist, its also the body part that gets hella hard.
Friend: hey friend, whats going up in your pants
Friend 2: its my ding-dong, its hard because the teacher is hella hot brudda.
by I did ur mother at November 23, 2021
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a person who makes statements that lack common sense.
Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, The Situation, Belinda Barbosa, Sarah Imhoff are all ding-dongs!
by the gap girl December 7, 2010
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Synonymous with Jeremy.

Also, police officers who play call of duty.
That ding-dong is good at WZ!

by _juno_ October 25, 2022
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An exclamation of excitement for something gone right.
Adam: Hey, that bartender gave us free beers!
Cody: Well Ding Dong!!!
by Monoga August 21, 2020
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Ohhh you touch my tralala, hmmm my ding ding dong....

-Gunther and The Sunshine Girls
by David Greiner May 6, 2005
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