Boiling hot

When your so hot you feel like your boiling.
Omg! It's 32 degrees! I'm boiling hot 🔥
by Leigh** July 17, 2016
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Unlike Revenge is a dish best served cold, Revenge is a dish best served boiling hot, is an excuse to get revenge, before said person did said thing you're getting revenge on.
Person 1: *Slaps person two across the face*
Person 2: What the fuck dude what was that for
Person 1: Tomorrow when you hit me, remember; Revenge is a dish best served boiling hot
by Jimmy me boi April 25, 2019
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hot boil

When you are eating out the old lady and the dog starts eating your ass
Oh man last night I was eating out the old lady and the dog started giving me a hot boil!
by 455pipewelderjesus March 1, 2018
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boil some hot dogs

4 or more guys in a hot tub together that is over a 100 degrees.
Who wants to boil some hot dogs?
Last night me and the boys were just boiling some hot dogs.
by Jon Jobby July 21, 2017
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The myth is where you put a heating iron and boiling hot water in the hole of your vagina and it’ll reduce getting wet from looking at random objects.
by Uug Ggiughihhhh March 12, 2024
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boiled hot dog

when you get a prince albert and it splits the rest of the way
Joe got a PA and his cock turned into a boiled hot dog.
by dangggg May 17, 2005
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Hard-Boiled Hot Pocket

A Hard-Boiled Hot Pocket is not your ordinary pocket. This is Outta Pocket.

Boiled in water at a temp of 420, this hot pocket shall burst into the water. This creates a perfect pond of what ever flavor you have chosen. Imagine it now, two cups of boiling sausage egg and cheese water, while a loaf of bread floats at the top. After boiling for 69 seconds, it is time to dive into this magnificent body of water. Enjoy the sogginess of the bread as the sausages get stuck in your teeth.
Samuel: "Man.. i sure am hungry. What's that you got there kev?"
Kevin: "oh nothing... Just a Hard-Boiled Hot Pocket.. that's right... HARD BOILED"
by Kbaezmaster1 March 21, 2021
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