no no

something forbidden, something against the rules(from an essentially juvenile euphemism)
Beards are a no no in the military of many countries.
by The Return of Light Joker February 17, 2008
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no no

what mommy says when you have done something spectacular
kid: mommy look i hit the neighbor with a baseball bat
mom:no no!
by you drink pp March 28, 2003
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no no

1. Someone's private area; an alternative to the word "hoo-ha."
2. A song by Ringo Starr about not wanting to snort cocaine anymore.
1. Hay! No toucheh of deh no no!!
2. "No no no no no no I don't (snort) no more..."
by whootylalalalalala August 27, 2009
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no no

An unmaintained hoo hoo.
"Geez, that's a no no!"
by pro-nun-see-A-shun March 18, 2003
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no no

1. A condescending way to say "no." Use "no no" when a simple "no" will not suffice.
Idiot: "Isn't AOL the internet?"
Non-AOL user: "No no."
by Val October 22, 2001
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no no

A sweater with no hood or pocket
I just threw on a no no from the thrift store
by Trevorsits November 27, 2010
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no no

no no
no no
by Krkič June 14, 2019
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