143 definitions by The Grammar Nazi

The IMPROPER way to refer to California's main highway.
It takes about three hours to get home if you take 101.
by The Grammar Nazi November 5, 2001
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1. Another word for female genetalia
2. A feline companion.
1. "Pussy feels like warm apple pie."
2. "My pussy got stuck in a tree."
by The Grammar Nazi October 21, 2001
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n. Shit; a parent-approved version of the aforementioned cus word.
by The Grammar Nazi June 9, 2001
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(n) Fun involving the exchange of bodily fluids.
"Nick has never had sex."
by The Grammar Nazi October 21, 2001
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n. An excuse designed to shirk responsibility.
Don't say you need to aaronize. That's just a cop out.
by The Grammar Nazi December 4, 2001
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A partition placed between two standalone urinals to allow pissing without letting it all hang out.
The trough didn't have any shame shields and I was afraid I'd get pee shy, so I held it until after the show.
by The Grammar Nazi March 20, 2004
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