
When he took of his shirt, it looked like he was still wearing a sweater. I think a little manscaping is in order.
by Pinkenstein April 28, 2004
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A person who can be spotted with the iconic white standard iPod earbuds in their ears.

Derived from a combination of iPod and Pedestrian.
I saw 3 podestrians wait for a bus.
by aelso January 19, 2005
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The sound of a quick kiss when voice is also used.Also the sound of lips smacking in a kissing motion... MWAH.. especially expressive over distances of 10+ of the nicest sounds, very flirty!
by Al January 20, 2004
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n. Engrish can be simply defined as the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design. Often,not only in Japan, but all around the world.
A sign in a Japanese hotel room may read "No Smorking" instead of "No Smoking".

There are many Japanese snacks with American names, such as "Dew-Dew Mix", "Pecker", and "Eat Me!".
by RogueRising August 14, 2003
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1. To knock someone over, usually associated with the first hit in a fight.
2. To spend (generally a lot of) money; to buy something.
3. To release an album.

1. An expensive car/convertible. (see whip)
1. I'm gonna drop that kid if he don't back the f*** off.
2. Nigga, I dropped 500 G's on these rocks.
3. Nelly dropped two albums at once this week and they both at the top of the charts.

1. We just got back from the Bentley dealership, bro, you seen the new drop?
by g $ mikey September 26, 2004
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Once an efficient and fast method of communication and message transferring, now a way of harassing Internet users with spam, credit card/insurance offers, porn links, and "Increase Your Penis Size By 5 Inches" advertizements.
Despite using a junk email filtering program, it is still a chore to delete 30+ messages a day.
by AYB November 6, 2003
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