The act of cutting off someone's joke by beating them to the punchline.
A: Hey, did you tell your co-workers that joke I told you last night?
B: Yeah.
A: Well, how did it go over?
B: It was a 'partial mirth abortion'. I was pausing, as you should for comedic effect... just about ready to tell the punchline..... and some jerk beat me to it.
by Bryan Gilbreath February 12, 2011
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A type of abortion that is performed during the very end of a womans pregnancy. The woman may carry the baby to term, and go to the hospital/abortion clinic when her water breaks and she goes into labor. Or they can induce labor at the hospital/abortion clinic. The doctor delivers all of the baby but its head, then inserts a sharp scissors into the back of its head. The scissors are opened, and a vacuum tube inserted. The brains are sucked out by the vacuum.

This type of abortion was developed in 1983. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 recently made it illegal. Former president Bush was one that helped put the Ban through. President Obama is hoping to reverse the ban, and make this form of abortion once again and irreversibly legal.
"In 1997, Obama voted in the Illinois Senate against SB 230, a bill designed to prevent partial-birth abortions." --

"He then took a pair of scissors and jammed them into the back of the baby's head. And the baby jerked out, like a startle reflex, like a baby does if you throw him up a little bit and he jumps. And then the baby was real rigid. The doctor then opened up the scissors to make a hole. He took a high powered suction machine with a catheter and stuck it in that hole and suctioned the baby's brains out. And the baby went completely limp." --Brenda Pratt Shafer, a former nurse
by ohyeslaladidit! March 16, 2009
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This is a friends with benefits arrangement where everything goes except sex. These friends kiss, flirt and confide in each other but there is no sex. Some may or may not engage in oral sex.
Sunshine is my friend with partial benefits.
by Yayihuot September 13, 2013
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When a woman is getting an abortion and changes her mind part-way through, but the baby is just not the same anymore, that's a partially aborted fetus.
"Mommy's decision to go through with her partially aborted fetus cost lil' Timmy an arm and a leg."
by InappropriateNoodle January 12, 2018
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Someone who is almost idiotic enough to join the "pro-life" (anti-abortion fanatic) movement, but whose brain rescues them in the nick of time.
She's obviously a partial abortion. She spent two years in Youth Defence.
by Fearman February 7, 2008
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a form of epilepsy that isn't all that bad but it makes you have short, kind of uncomfortable seizures that I really would prefer to not have.

It is also slange for what Emu's do on their days off. Little known fact right there.
Ex 1: Due to my Partial Onset Epilepsy, I have seizures sometimes and they make me feel quite ill (NOT the good kind of ill). On the plus side, I get to take anti-convulsent medication with many, many side effects. It is so great.

Ex. 2: I heard that when an Emu gets a day off it is refered to as Partial Onset Epilepsy. They could have picked a better nick-name. It is so not funny to make fun of neurological disorders. Emus are all terrible.
by 2 Cool 4 School and U Know it! February 4, 2010
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When a priest anally seduces an alter boy who has explosive diarrhea
and cannot control his stomach's emotions while being seduced.

Total Poetic Justice would be besides the mess,, the priest
actually exploded
It would be hard to deny the Partial Poetic Justice that was bestowed
upon that masquerader.
by Luther the thinker July 19, 2022
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