Someone who is lazy kind caring has many friend but don’t talk to all of them has an enymy who still wants to friends with you but you hate her so you pretend to be her friend so that one day you can ruin her life
Omg im such a clai
by Eggy2434213 May 25, 2021
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Halfway between flaccid and raging hardon. (Coined by Adam Carolla)..
It's best to be sporting clay when going skinny dipping with a group. You don't want to go full turtle, but you don't want to scare anyone with a full erection, either
by TheDawgLives August 24, 2015
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Whoever’s name is Clayton, or simply clay, live by a certain way of life and have their own certain traditions.
The clay way consists of saying things like “woah there” and “yikers
by ehmeh.nehseh October 12, 2018
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A politician whose 4th wife has the gift of premonition, but not the gift of suching his shit completely off
Person 1: Man, that dude has married some crazies before, but that new wife of his SWEARS she can see the future.

Person 2: Yeah, he's such a Clay Higgins.
by PhrogMilk November 16, 2020
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When you make pottery out of clay.
The pottery clay needs to get soft.
by Debskelly1985 March 29, 2023
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When one has absorbed copious amounts of Mexican food and does not realize they need to poop. They then believe they are going to release the most satisfying fart in the history of time, but instead drop of a mountain of shit into their pants. They then make their fiance wash their tainted pants. Also used as a general term for basic bowel movement.
Hey it smells like tacos in here
Yeah I'm about to Take A Clay, fire up that washing machine
by Honky Actual May 20, 2016
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