So there is this girl at my school who’s name is Helen and me and my friend every time we see her we yell HELLLLLLLLLLENNNNNN as we are walking away

(that was just a story I thought it would be funny to share)

HELEN is a word that can be used as a noun as a verb, and in anyway possible.

If you know a Helen make sure you do the right thing and say HELLLLLLLLLENNN it might make her day! or not
Also me and that friend made a musical about her. its called HELLLLLLENNN the musical
Hey HELLLLENNNNN how was your day today? Was it Helen-tastic?
by @_sad__fella__hours_ December 16, 2018
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Helen is a sheep girl, usually has sheepy blond hair and dates exotic Mexican guys such as Juan. Helen is a savage and not to be messed with, Juanitas should stay clear of her man. Helen is beautiful and amazing at languages and at picking friends. Helen hates the colour yellow and hates people touching her knees. Helen is an amazing girl to be around and everyone secretly wants to be her
Omg Juan is so lucky, he's dating a Helen!

Oh mona Lissa you bring tea towels to Helen!
by Clevergirl123 December 29, 2016
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gorgeousssssss. Al the boys like her and all the girls are jelous of her flirty peronality.
guy:woowoo i had fun with helen last night
guy 2: wat happened?
guy 3: we played scrabble... BEST VALENTINES DAY EVER
by me..>:) February 8, 2013
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A superhuman hero of sorts whose power will increase to include that of time travel after building herself a TARDIS. She just needs to find where she left the plans...oooo shiny...LALALALA!
by H the real Helen February 7, 2010
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A girl who is shy around people she first meets but if you get to know her well she can be very talkative and funny. She is very talented when it comes to drawing and has the neatest writing you'll ever see. Helen really cares about her friends and family. Her character traits are: shy, talented, caring, talkative
Wow! I wish I could meet a Helen!
by Rainbow Unicorn 1108 February 18, 2017
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A Beautiful and Sexy girl. One who is mostly short in height, thin, but still has lovely curves.

A Helen is the generous and polite type, But with friends she is VERY playful and makes everybody laugh. (alot of times she is Asian)
"do you know helen???"

"omg! YES who doesnt!!!! She the sexiest asian, PLUS shes the funnest person to be around!!!"
by jaredletoismine March 11, 2012
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