The saying "Flesh of my flesh" became popular from the DMX album of the same title. It is also used as the greeting of Maryland prison gang Dead Man Incorporated members meaning that you are my brother. The common response is "aint shit change" meaning we will always be family.
Dawg #1: "Flesh of my flesh." Dawg #2: "aint shit change"
by LuCkyLuCh410 June 29, 2015
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A delightful snack or something that can be eaten for a meal.
Hey mom, do we have any FLESH!!!
No, but we do have some cereal
oh, well, i want some nice FLESH!!!
Well, i do have this nice, plump, juicy meaty ar- um, whay are u looking at me like that, and y are u drooling, an OH MY GOD GET AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Jesse Werk May 7, 2005
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To partake in an act traditionally of a sexually brutal nature in reference particulary to the female genetalia.'ve come for the fleshing.

Well your's gonna be a bloodbath.

Last night was a flithy fleshing.

I'd give her the goo...not before the fleshing.
by Theartist July 2, 2013
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A woman. A part of what Adam called Eve, the first woman.
“The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” - Genesis 2:23, Bible
by Theg3neral January 16, 2022
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Def. 1 - Human condition marked by depleted physical resources resulting completely in bone ass tired exhaustion.
Def. 2 - Really good name for neo-punk band.
Worked a double shift, Ima flesh puddle.
Flesh Puddle opens for Biofunk at the Cave.
by msdee December 16, 2016
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