7 definitions by Supreme Comrade Stalin

The holiest and most sexy knees you will ever see. They are powerful enough to kill half the universe if Jesus touches them together.
Person: "Oh my god, have you seen Jesus's Knees?"
Other Person: "No...?"
Jesus: "Hey look at my Knees!"
Both People: *Faints
by Supreme Comrade Stalin November 9, 2018
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A religion that is holy in all aspects.

Potatoists worship the holy moon baby and the small potatoes. They believe that the Meme Army protects them from the wretched Vegital who lives in the Chewy Boba land.

If a Potatoist lives a good life, they are judged and sent to the basket, a holy land ruled by potatoes. If they are bad, their souls are sent to the Vegital's Realm and their Potato is sent to McDonalds.

They believe that the world should be Sommunist.
Enlightened man: "Hail the Potatoes in all life!"

Average Man: "What do you mean?"

Enlightened Man: "It means that you worship the Moon Baby. It is the only way to live properly."

Average Man: "..."

*The room is filled with holy light.

Enlightened Man 2 (The Average Man): "Yes. All hail the Potatoes!!! I am now a true man of Potatoism!!!"
by Supreme Comrade Stalin August 31, 2018
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An autistic thing that lowlifes create when they know that their word will never be in a real dictionary
"Hey, i'm making a New Word!"

"Go commit neckrope immediately before the word is infected by your autism.
by Supreme Comrade Stalin September 11, 2018
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That feeling when you commit toaster bath after singing the Soviet Union Anthem.
God: I feel a ghostnasy loseterali coming on
by Supreme Comrade Stalin August 30, 2018
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Bailey x Sofia

The best ship ever. Hands down.
"OMG, did you see Bailey and Sofia at school today? They're so cute together!"

by Supreme Comrade Stalin September 25, 2018
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