Two images that do not belong to either but were joined together and made an impression that it's one image.

A picture that is a product of two or more images mashed together without any evidence of having been faked. Sometimes everyone knows it's mashed but it looks good that way anyway.
Wow, you've been to Paris?

No, it's mashable image. From a postcard and my photo I took in the bathroom.
by Arrrow January 18, 2010
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Will always be invading every image you see you know its getty images when it says getty images
Person 1: "I want a photo that ISNT GETTY IMAGES"
Person 2: "thats impossible dude"
by Getty imaegs February 3, 2022
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The exact opposite of a cursed image, meaning an image of adorable or pure nature.
That picture of Polite Cat is a blessed image!
by AntisocialWeeb August 23, 2018
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An often weird, absolutely ridiculous or on the other side absolutely normal but put in the wrong context image. It may often be used in schoolbooks. Often in low quality.
-Is that man kissing... A watermelon on a woman's body?
-Dunno bro. It's a stock image.
by NotHereCo May 22, 2019
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Using peoples pictures without their permission. Wasting that persons bandwidth.
Homercles82 decided to post someone elses image which was immediately changed to amputee porn to teach him a lesson.
by Spechel EDD October 17, 2003
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a image of the sea....most beautieful image you will ever seee and only cool gangsterrs can see them .
omg!!! look at that crazy sea image !!
by sack attack backpack October 11, 2009
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Qu-image is when a photo of anyone named Quinn is taken. When a photo of any Quinn is taken it shall be labeled as a Qu-image.
Hey did you see his Qu-image last night?
by Epichacker08 August 29, 2021
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