what teenage girls say when their parents say "no" to something they really wanted to do.
k: hi girl, are you ok, you look sad.
a: yea, i know...i really wanted to go somewhere but my old-fashioned parents wouldn't let me.
k: really? is it one of those it's-my-parents-fault-thing (impft)?
a: kinda. it sucks.
k: hmm...impft... get over it.
by k'me March 6, 2011
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a way of projecting your feelings for your best friend, or another way of saying yo im gay
“You’re ruining everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?”
Els not stupid. It’s not my fault you don’t like girls!”
by byler is real April 22, 2021
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Please remove Kris Wu or Li Jiaheng from jail or he is a celebrity lol it's Syamsul Yusof fault
Please remove Kris Wu or Li Jiaheng from jail or he is a celebrity lol it's Syamsul Yusof fault
by Handle100 August 8, 2023
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1. Used informally to describe shared responsibility for a negative outcome.

2. Co-fault, also known as comparative negligence or contributory negligence, refers to a situation where multiple parties share responsibility for causing an accident or injury.
Although Sarah initiated the argument, both her harsh words and Emily's dismissive response resulted in them being at co-fault in the breakdown of their friendship.
by AnonymousBoredgirl June 17, 2024
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A type of fault that forces 2 blocks of rock to be separated. The inclined fault goes downward.
The normal fault is one of the most common types of faults to occur.
by March 15, 2022
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Something to shout at males (usually) who exhibit creepy stalker-like behaviour around women (usually). This sleazy voyeuristic behaviour tends to happen in places and cultures where everyday interaction between the sexes is limited, actively encouraging the hunter/prey dynamic (following women, cat-calling, peeping tom behaviour, even assault). Frustrated males resort to even using technology to spy on females (telephoto lenses, mobile phones, drones etc), all the while blaming women for "limiting the supply of sex" or simply "asking for it!"
I see you leering at me and snapping pictures with your phone! It's not the angels' fault you're still a virgin at 30 - it's YOU!
by kapweeng March 27, 2018
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