46 definitions by tt

(1)to cross or fake someone in basketball.
(2)to own someone (also can be said as got em)
friend1: hey this is ben
friend2: ben who?
friend1: ben dover...OHHH got em
by tt September 29, 2003
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Complete and utter destruction. To remove all trace of. Second only to annihilation in terms of damage done.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker disovered that Alderann had been obliterated by the Death Star.
by tt February 19, 2003
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I just started playing doom2 again using a program I downloaded from www.zdaemon.org
by tt January 2, 2005
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the ass of the ass of maryland. Nickname: Duck farmers. Too poor too afford drugs, so that is their nickname. Contains such organizations as the Future Farmers of America. Any student that goes there is recommend for fscking and taring.
I hate John Carroll! They've got better cars, better drugs, fuck, they've got everything we don't! Well, at least they've got the stuff that'll get you places in life.
by tt March 21, 2005
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A member of a crowd with no originality or voice of his own. One who speaks or repeats only what he has been told. A tool. A cretin.
"Ya think he'll do it?"
"He's a lemming, he'll do anything he's told."
by tt February 19, 2003
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I can now play tennis for hours without going to the bathroom! Thanks, oops I crapped my pants
by tt February 16, 2003
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