26 definitions by Leroy Brown 420

1. The now-defunct rock band. The ultra-pretentious douchebag Jeff Martin announced the end of The Tea Party at a press conference in 2005, allowing his two band-mates of 30 years (Stuart Chatwood, Jeff Burrows) to find out that their careers had been terminated by getting phone calls from journalists.

Once mighty, The Tea Party have fallen off the ends of the Earth, with their songs now only occasionally played on Canadian rock stations to help fulfill the CRTC's Canadian-content regulations. Already, most college and university students have no clue that this band ever existed.

2. To be a Canadian rock band that is hugely successful in Canada and overseas, but compromises their integrity with vain attempts to penetrate the U.S. market.

1. The Tea Party's only #1 hit was Heaven Coming Down.

2. I hope Billy Talent stick to their guns instead of being a Tea Party.
by Leroy Brown 420 February 1, 2009
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To inhale again what one has just exhaled.

Usually used when referring to the smoke of marijuana. Not recommended when using the dryer-sheet-over-the-end-of-a-paper-towel-roll thingy, a.k.a spoof (as said in Oshawa) or silencer (as said in Oakville).
I have like 0.2 geebo's of kron left...looks like we're gonna have to rehale our hits.
by Leroy Brown 420 May 18, 2009
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A derivation of pinner, a small marijuana cigarette.

The name implies that it may be a slightly bigger pinner than one would normally roll, however, this is trivial, as even the smallest of joints could be referred to as a señor piñor.
Stoner 1: Let's smoke a gunner!

Stoner 2: I only have 2 grams to last me the week, so let's just smoke a señor piñor.

Stoner 1: You're pint.
by Leroy Brown 420 February 1, 2009
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A derogatory nickname for Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC, one of several fast food subsidiaries of Pepsi. Known for having some of the highest trans-fat levels of all foods, thereby afflicting hundreds of thousands of people with obesity and heart disease.
Also known as GayMen'sPee.
I hate that place - the last time I ate at MenFuckMeMyDick-en I got salmonella poisoning and shat my pants as a result of the over-lubrication of my colon by massive amounts of saturated fat. GayMen'sPee sucks balls.
by Leroy Brown 420 January 30, 2009
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Acronym for "too hot for facebook".

Said by those wishing to comment on revealing, sexually suggestive, or just plain sexy facebook pictures that they're friends have posted.

Also used as an adjective to refer to photos that are not necessarily on facebook (although likely will be in the near future).

By the way, facebook is the Devil.
facebook photo comment: I think I can see your nipple in this one!! thffb!

casual online/text conversation: Hittin the beach this Saturday :D gonna all kinds of thffb pics!
by Leroy Brown 420 May 26, 2009
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A derogatory nickname for the fast food mega-corporation McDonald's, the restaurant where you can buy a hamburger that contains more salt than you should consume in a week and enough calories to fuel an entire day. Since millions of people have been waking up to the reality that McDonald's food is not fit for human consumption, the company now thrives off of option-starved nighthawks, creating a near monopoly in the after 10-pm food market. It's primary customers now are evening shift workers (and bartenders as well as other service industry workers), drunks coming from the bars at 2 am (in the drive-through, no less). In other words, people who are so hungry and tired, or drunk and stupid that they are practically forced to consume this edible garbage.
Stoner 1 (out of towner) - Where can we get some food around here after our 4:20 session?

Stoner 2 (local) - 7/11 or DickDonald's. Sucks balls, eh?
by Leroy Brown 420 January 30, 2009
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The term used to illustrate what happens when a person uses Listerine and immediately proceeds to perform fellatio.
Young male: Wait, wait! Before you do that, could you go rinse with Listerine?

Young female: What the fuck? You think my breath stinks? You think I have herpes? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Young Male: No, no! I just thought we could spice things up a bit, you know?

Young Female: What? I don't give good enough head? I'm fuckin' breaking up with you right now. We are done.

(she gets out of bed, starts to get dressed)

Young Male: You give great head! You could suck a golf ball through garden hose!

Young Female: Oh so now I'm some dick-crazed whore? I fucking hate you.

(storms out of the room, with her bf following desparately)

Young Male: I can explain! I just read the definition of listerjob on urbandictionary.com and I thought it sounded really fun! You've got it all wrong!

Young Female: All wrong eh? You think I'm a fucking moron? I don't know why you have to be such a douchbag queerbait - wait, did you say urbandictionary.com?? I love that site!

(she smiles and seems very elated all of a sudden - clearly she's bipolar)

Young female: Okay so where's the Listerine?

Young male: (in his head) Yesssssss. (to his gf) In the bathroom sweetie!
by Leroy Brown 420 February 1, 2009
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