1 definition by David Morton

A person who acts as unscrupulously as possible, which includes stealing, lying, identity theft, and more, and is too stupid to realize that everyone knows he is a cretinous weasel, and has seen through his treachery. The cretin has a very high opinion of himself and accuses anyone who disagrees with him or tries to expose him of jealousy and say’s retarded things like “Jealousy has no wings” When exposed.

A cretin uses David-Mortonism’s, or DM’s where he will quote scriptures to defend his position or crimes in a weak attempt to distract or silence people from attacking his behavior. A cretin is too simple minded to formulate his own ideas and communicate them effectively, thus resorting to plagiarism, and thievery to make up simple sentences, syntax and basic communication. A cretin is all things unsavory and distasteful rolled up into an obnoxious usually hideously disgusting ball of wasted flesh marbled blubber. Cretins should be made into low quality soilent green patties.
David M. aka DM post's stolen images from other related sights and attempts to pass them off as his own work on a routine basis. He also copy pastes text from other sites into his forum responses to start debates that he doesn't even understand himself. He uses ridiculous nonsensical terms constantly and floods forums with complete nonsense, "white noise" what a cretin.
by David Morton October 22, 2006
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