246 definitions by Brendan

1. a section of tree
2. a section of math
3. acronym for lazy old git
1. they cut down plenty logs to make these buildings
2. log2²=1
3. fuck off u log
by Brendan May 20, 2004
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The stuff that accumulates at the side of your eyes after a kip. You tend to get more of it if you're unwell or have been out of it for a long time.
"I've got loads of sleep in my eyes. I need to get some water to rinse it out."
by Brendan July 13, 2005
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''The Dons play at Pittodrie''
by Brendan April 7, 2003
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Olympic host city for the 2004 games. Capital of Greece.
"He should be in Athens, look at him go."
by Brendan August 13, 2004
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Acronym: Victim Chick. A chick that is very emotionally tender. The good news for you is that she will be easier to score with providing you can pluck her right strings!
I almost felt bad - it was clear she was a total VC.
by Brendan May 13, 2004
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1. A good friend or mate.
2. (PAL) Personal Arse Licker
3. (PAL) Packaging Automation Limited
''He's no wan ay yer pals is he? A fuckin tramp onywy that bastar, nae doot aboot that''
by Brendan April 7, 2003
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