A condition whereby the sufferer does not like to be out in public or surrounded by people for long periods of time. The sufferer would rather be alone and by themselves than have interaction with other people. The person with this condition is not a loner, just someone who prefers their own company to the company of others.
"That's Shannon over there, she's got Hermititis. I think she caught it in Iowa."

"Hey Shannon, whats up with you today? You don't seem to be yourself.."
"Oh, thats just my Hermititis flaring up again. Must be a full moon."

by DrStrange August 9, 2006
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The act, or..verb of being a hermit.
I think I'd rather stay inside than face all of that there drama. Yaaaaay, hermitism!
by Bob Bryar. April 6, 2007
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To live as a loner, by choice or not, despite the presence of other options; for spiritual reasons or other reasons; to spend time away from people to read, write, introspect, gain knowledge, learn about self, learn lessons from the past, learn about life. Sometimes it can be the result of a trauma or depression, too.
"I've already spent a lot of time hermitting about you. Had a lot to learn from this poking and questioning, but I think I covered most of the You question now."

For example, when you get dumped by a loved one, you'll often question yourself for a long time about what happened that caused the failure. Sometimes when you really want answers, you'll tend to avoid noise and people. This is what I call "hermitting". This behaviour can get compared to that of a hermit, because the person rather spend time alone, to think, than with people having fun and socializing.

Sometimes, after a major turn in life, hermitting can be a necessary phase of "digestion of events" before being able to move on.
by Arsenic Queen February 6, 2010
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hermit behavior, to hermit thy self, the act of hermiting, to hermit, to stay home intending to save money by not going out, avoiding your friends.
I lead a hermitous life in my dismal apartment with no friends, no money and no girlfriend.
by clint2295760 February 28, 2008
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Or the action of becoming a hermit (being alone) but not necessarily on purpose. Some people turn to Hermitism because they have moved to a place far away from their friends. They normally pack up all their possessions and move out to the forest.

Zane has turned to Hermitism.
by Hermitismm January 19, 2011
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to conciously decide to dwell alone for long periods of time.
Aaron got bored so he started hermiting again.
by Pyro November 22, 2002
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A person who wants to spend his time by himself and shuns others.
That hermit hasn't seen anyone in years.
by Julmimus August 20, 2004
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