Socialism is a transitional stage from the Capitalist relations of Production to the Communist relations of Production. During this transition the Working Class and Popular Masses impose the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, a Class Dictatorship that utilises the State Apparatus to serve their interests and the Constitution to defend Social Property the same way the Dictatorship of the Borgeousie imposes its own Class Dictatorship and utilises the State Apparatus to serve their interests and the Constitution to defend Private Property. When Private Property is abolished then there will be no need for a Class System and therefore no need for a State Apparatus for a Class to impose its rule upon an other and that leads to Communism.
Western Nations: You are a Communist State!
Newborn Worker's State: No. I'm a Socialist Republic and I will remain so till I develop the Communist relations of Production and World Socialism is achieved because like Capitalism, Communism is a World System.
by TheDrunkML November 15, 2021
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Ruining a country under totalitarian, statist, collective policies, and then blaming the USA for the aftermath.
"America will never be a Socialist country". "Patria, (Homeland), Socialismo (Socialism), o (or) Muerte (Death)".
by Gatop March 16, 2019
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Socialism is a government viewpoint that is slightly less worse than communism. Although it can be as easily corrupted as a communist government many people rely on it, people who are not informed on how each economy works
Socialism can and never will fully be implemented and that is because it is too easy to corrupt
by Jax195 February 15, 2021
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Something that we all know will eventually fail as its really not viable as a way of life
also leads to higher racism rates but only against white people
-Socialism fails
-name an example
-I'll name 3
-Russia, Germany, Venezuela
-when was Germany socialist again
-The Nazi's
by Link in Park May 21, 2018
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Socials is just another word for social medias eg: instagram, facebook, snapchat.
guy1: hey she’s hot

guy2: true bro, ask her for her socials
by thatgirlyuno9 March 20, 2018
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Being forced and kicked out into the cold, cruel world of humans, isolated from your precious self and having nothing to do but interact with the monsters nearby you. And then when you're not being exposed to this torture, everyone just thinks you're a sociopath or something.
"At the mum party, Bob was forced to be socializing with other mother's opressed children"
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