A system of society or group living in which there is no private property.
You know the storey:

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

What Socialism would do.

Steal a fish from one guy and give it to another--and keep doing that on a daily basis--and make the first guy pissed off, and make the second guy lazy and dependent on the government. Then tell the second guy that the first guy is greedy for wanting to keep the fish he caught. Then the second guy will cheer for more stealing of fish. Then the government can prohibit anyone from fishing without getting permission from them. Then expand the racket, stealing fish from more people and buying the loyalty of others and get the recipients of the stolen fish to act as their hired thugs.
by thafer January 13, 2019
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A type of government that is between Capitalism and Communism. Socialism is a watered down form of communism and anyone who believes in it are communist who hate freedom.
I don’t own anything, the givement owns my stuff because my country’s government is socialism.
by Chuckiewhite82 December 5, 2017
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A a theory and system of economics where there is no hamburger.
McDonald's ran out of hamburgers... It must be because of socialism and the commies!
by zKevinTheCat January 14, 2022
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A pseudo-dictatorial system of government in which the elected officials rule with virtually totalitarian power. Citizens ruled by such regimes are forced to give up inordinate amounts of hard earned money in the form of ridiculously high taxes. This money goes to raise the standard of living for the impoverished who themselves are often perfectly capable of providing for themselves. Essentially, socialism is theft of hard earned assets to bring up the bottom line.
Socialism is proposterous in theory and horrendous in practice.
by Gfg March 16, 2017
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The attempt of using government regulation to remove the social hierarchy from the economic system. Most attempts end in collapse from a traditional counter-culture, or remove themselves from power after failing to improve national conditions or fulfill promises. Unrelated to National Socialism.
Sweden uses a form of democratic socialism, and tend to see success due to a low, close-knit population:

“Anyone who supports socialism should be thrown from a helicopter.”
by TheSoldierKing | iF November 3, 2017
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1.) A race to the bottom

2.) The government running your business

3.) Not being able to (if need be) get mad a reprimand your employees, because in turn you work for the government.
if the guy to the right and left of you doesn't have to work just as hard as you then there's no incentive. This is the ultimate result of socialism are you sure you want it in your country?
by stainless67 March 15, 2022
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