a descriptive word used for a certain marijuana whos effects are so powerful that when after smoking an actual protective helmet is required to perform routine activities so one does not seriously injure his or her self
"Hey Willie would you like to go smoke this helmet with me?"

"Yo son hit this hemlmet."

by double digits 70 April 1, 2009
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the head of a penis also used to refer to those who are considered dorks, losers, nerds, or simply those who never get tail
Man, that dude's such a f****n helmet!
by giblets January 13, 2004
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(verb): To insert one's head into a sex partner's anus, as if wearing them like a helmet. Requires surgical removal of the receiver's sphincter.
Bob was not happy to learn he would have to wear adult diapers for the rest of his life following the procedure that would allow Janice to helmet him.
by C. U. Farley May 22, 2008
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They suck and the singer is an asshole. I had dinner with him in philly and he was the biggest fuckin’ dick I ever met. He was also being a jerk to the wait staff
Helmet lead singer “Page Hamilton” is a total cazzo. I don’t like that guy
by Death Menace April 18, 2022
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A heavy metal band. They used to rock, but now they suck.

Haven't you all noticed that they sound different? Page Hamilton sings different, too. They sound like poppy mainstream crap now. They don't even sound metal anymore. It's not even Helmet without Henry Bogdan, Peter Mengede and John Stanier. Mr. Hamilton should just retire.
Helmet used to be a good band in the early 90's. But not anymore!
by not found [Error 404] September 24, 2007
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she gave me helmet on the first day she knew how to blow instruments in a good way
by Niceemcee January 20, 2004
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