A derivative of "idiot" or "pratt", Helmet fuses the semantics of the end of a man's penis and the un-cool nature of the common bicycle helmet. It is most commonly used in a jovial manner when laughing at a friend or aqcuaintance with another friend.

It can also be used to describe a person who is not a friend, who has committed an action upon those in the circle of friends which had malicious or vengeful intent, but ended up being a source of laughter to those inside of the circle of friends.
" You heard that Shaun is away this weekend seeing that minger from Blackpool ?! "

" Haha is he?! What a Helmet! "

" Did you see that lad come to push me away from that girl he was trying to pull and then slipped on the dancefloor?! "

" Yeh! What a Helmet! "
by dictomoondag March 14, 2011
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A name given to a circumcised guy's penis. Or simply just a name given to a guy who has a circumcised penis. Used as the opposite of sock, i.e. an uncircumcised guy's penis.

This of course came about due to the obvious visual differences, i.e. a circumcised penis could appear to be wearing a helmet, whereas the extra skin on an uncircumcised penis kinda looks like a sock.
Curious Dude: "Hey man, question. Are you a helmet or a sock?"

Jewish Dude: "Holy crap, man, for the last time: I'm Jewish! Think about it."

Curious/Confused Dude: "What the hell, man? What's Judaism got to do with your package?"

Exasperated/Jewish Dude: "Oy!"
by Yorko February 26, 2008
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Another way to call someone stupid.
Person #1: See that guy who ran into that door?

Person #2: Yea what a helmet
by Mista Foldgers May 26, 2009
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oral stimulation of the penis
Yo' broad gives some mean helmet.
by Joseph Momma November 8, 2003
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   hell-meht noun
A means to describe someone's intelligence referring to a mentally unstable person. One who wears a helmet to protect them from injuring themselves because they cannot function for on their own. Can also be known as slang.

A-"I heard Greg got a 39% on that test last class"
B-"What a helmet!"

A-"Hey you f***ing helmet"
by Ayy Fawn September 29, 2011
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used in da dirty south west of da uk, anova word for blow or weed.
mayne u got ne helmet on you this niga needs a blow!
by G from B April 16, 2008
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condom on the top of dick, where dick is a head and condom has been worn for safety....
Chris always use a helmet before sex cause this ACCIDENT results in birth not in death
by Anks00 April 30, 2011
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