Someone who uses personal freedom as an excuse to not get a job. Hippies listen to lousy music, wear worn out rags, have no fashion sense, worship Jerry Garcia, and smoke weed all day.
I went to that party the other night, you know the one down the block. There were too many hippies, it was lame.
by sting130 July 22, 2011
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The quintessential child from the "Me Generation". Gross, unhygienic, unhelpful, hobos in the 1960's and 70's. You can usually find them ranting and raving about non-issues, doing mind altering drugs, or getting AIDS from orgies in the forest. Usually the spawn of wealthy families, they decide that they hate their dad and want to be "different" so they run off to California to "experience life".

You can usually find them now at an incense shop or at a public school, as many of them became teachers to avoid the draft.

Modern day hippies who are not Boomers can be found in New Orleans around Mardi Gras. They will usually play some sort of instrument or sing in a raspy ruined voice that sounds like it is from a commercial advocating for people to stop smoking. They will ask anyone who walks by for money while they defecate on public side walks.
Hippie: "Heyy man, can I get some change?"

Me: "Please stop laying down in the middle of the sidewalk and begging every passerby for money."

Hippie: "Where's the love, man? Didn't you hear me play my guitar? People are just so materialistic and selfish nowadays, all I want is for society and people to expand their minds and see life from a different perspective. We're killing mother nature and no one seems to care. (blah, blah, blah, so on and so forth)"
by The Hangman's Trick February 10, 2020
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An old man or woman from the 60's. Enjoys smoking pot and wearing odd multi-color t-shirts. Insists that world peace can be achieved, when it is such a far-fetched and unattainable dream. In other words, a fucking moron.
"Damn Harvey, look at that group of hippies over there. Their dropping their marijuana on the crops. Wanna run them over with the truck?"

"The group of hippies protesting in Washington D.C. had on so many tye-die t-shirts, the general populace was immediately blinded when looking at them."
by catspajamas [ecb] June 17, 2008
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1. Anyone who is viewed as lazy or a failure; particularly if these people are vegetarians, vegans, and environmental acitivists.

2. One who unrealistically promotes peace, love and happiness. One who views the world in such idealistic terms as to have lost touch with reality in favor of championing ethereal concepts.
Lisa is such a hippie; she named her first born child "Sunshine" and chooses to live off the grid without electricity because she believes that a few people polluting less is going to have a tangible effect on the environment. She doesn't have a job and doesn't actively contribute to the world around her; but she does find plenty of time to criticize corporate America and the general public for raping our land of its resources.
by Southpark Hippie Definition October 13, 2008
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This was once a term reserved for dirty longhairs from the 70s who wore tie die shirts, a peace sign, and patchouli. They protested and cried about most everything, and pioneered the anti-vaccine movement of the 2000s with some dumbass shit about autism. Today they’ve updated their costumes. They can be easily spotted wearing clothes with American flags on them, usually bought at Walmart in the clearance section. Some will advertise that they now own guns, solely listen to country music, and will fly Trump or Don’t Tread on Me flags in their yards as well. They protest in front of schools, freeway overpasses, and vaccination clinics. Hippie as fuck as they are, they still cry about the dangers of vaccines like little scared bitches. By contrast, being the naturalists that they are, they are not against all medicines, as they like to wash down natural ingredients promoted by their holistic medicine man, their Maharishi holy man, Donald Trump. These items include Lysol, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and still patchouli oil to keep up the hippie tradition. Some identify themselves as conservatives, flying a tattered ass flag off their truck, wearing the same unoriginal “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt, and telling everyone they are moving to Texas. To their dismay, true conservatives never protested and always looked down on those who did. Ronald Reagan would be ashamed. They don’t realize that despite new look, these toothless folks are just whining hippies minus the tie die shirts.
Person 1: Hey Chad, do you want to go to Walgreens with me to protest the Covid-19 Vaccine with me, to help save humanity from being microchipped.

Person 2: Hell no! I’ve got better shit to do with my time. When did you become such a protesting, whiny ass little bitch Chad? You’re a fucking hippie.
by Kentuckywoman082 December 18, 2021
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Hippies are generally peace loving and laid back people. They are so laid back that they go months without bathing or cutting their hair. Their clothes are often unwashed. They tend to reject the establishment, "the man", or whatever you want to call it. For this reason, they generally do not have jobs and are not productive members of society. They are not intelligent because if they were, they would realize that their laziness is hurting the world they claim they love more than it is helping.
by D100 August 30, 2008
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a moniker'nickname' for a point in time in someones life when they decide for themselves to think more at home on earth feeling, usually with a drive to enjoy living the days of life as well/content as possible and living life as how they may want to live to acheive full happiness, Usually a freethinking, naturalist type, many do not indulge on living as modern society does, some enjoy nature for all its beauty, some may enjoy music for the sake of music and its beauty,some enjoy various artforms and may express themselves in various creative ways such as music drawing painting poetry etc. Are usually content with life as it stands and most seem to be happy or content even when lifes up and dows can get you down, in other words hippie can be what ever you want it to be , you arent limited to a set of instructions, just in all reality, tapping into our actual self and not what society makes us think we are.
the dead head shirt kid with the dreads and hemp may be dressed in apparell /colors of a stereotyped hippie, but he may cause harm to himself and other things when in public, a gathering, etc.
by nate has watermelons for eyes September 19, 2007
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