A disgustingly hilarious Irish comedy band.
Clint velour - Guitar, vocals
Bunny Green - Drums, vocals
Vic Ferrari - Bass, vocals
James wand (AKA major james) - keyboards, vocals
Dr. Sleeze - Saxaphone, vocals

No matter what genre of music you like they'll be able to slag it. They have 2 LPs now which can be purchased world wide. "music is war" and "the camembert quartet sell out". Both concept albums.
If you're not irish you may be confused by some of the comedy in the talking tracks. The funny thing is when they're making fun of genres by making up songs in that genre's style, they may be making fun of it but the songs actually sound good.
Good tracks:

Batturburger (A slag off dance music)

California Dublin 4 (A slag off the Thrills)

Boybands are cunts (a slag off boy bands)

Gimme some o' dat cheese (a slag off funk)

We came to rock (a slag off bands like
ACDC and twisted sister)

Gimme medicine (a slag off metal)

It's all about me (a slag off rap; Eminem, Jay Z, The streets, Busta Rhymes)

Students (a slag off college students)

Serious (a slag off serious indie songs)

Slit your wrists (a slag off radiohead)

There's loads more but they're all the songs i can remember off the top of my head.
by Wezz December 9, 2004
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An elite quartet It is that inseparable group of friends, quite common but normally it is the one that lasts the most, they all depend on each other and being a small group there is a lot of confidence, if you have one, it could be the best thing that has happened to you.

Elite quartet means four inseparable souls destined to be together
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The best damn band on Rock Band 2
dude 1: Bozo quartet at my house!
dude 2: Dude i gotta get my guitar dude
by joe s. krakowski February 5, 2020
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When a group of 4 guys get together to groom each others' pubic hair.
"Hey what are you doing later this afternoon?"

"Nothing really."

"Why don't we call Ben and Evan over for a little party?"

"Great idea, but I need to set aside some time to clip my ball hair."

"Dude, no worries. Have them over and we can just have a little Barbershop Quartet."
by Rankle November 26, 2011
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Similar to the "Abe Lincoln", the barbershop quartet involves an individual or a group of individuals ejaculating into the face of the "victim" before having a bag of pre trimmed pubic hair thrown onto the victim's defiled face. The men then procede to quickly don red and white striped hats and sing a brief song in four part harmony. In situations with only one man present, friends need to be called in and hidden before the act, ready to jump out to accompany their buddy.
Rob: Holy shit, she sure was surprised when you guys came out of the closet when I hit her with that bag of pubes.

Tony: Yeah, and Carl's soprano was fantastic!

John: That sure was one barbershop quartet for the books.
by Kalem December 28, 2007
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An alternating group of strings musicians from Los Angeles. VSQ makes tribute albums to all kinds of musicians with strings versions of many songs, such as Coldplay's Clocks and Paramore's Hallelujah. Produced by Vitamin Records.
Have you heard Vitamin String Quartet's version of Clocks by Coldplay? It's really amazing.
by NocturnalGirl14 January 22, 2011
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Similar to the rusty trombone and rusty trumpet, this sexual maneuver is a collaborative effort. It requires four people: one man, two skinny women, and one fat one. The fat woman gives the man a rim job while giving him a handjob (the rusty trombone). The man gives one skinny woman a rim job while fingering her clitoris (the rusty trumpet). This woman does the same for the last woman (the second rusty trumpet). This last woman also gives a good rim job and fingering to the fat woman (the rusty tuba).
Man, the rusty brass quartet just seems like it would be awkward to perform. I'm not even sure that's a real thing.
by Hygn May 11, 2006
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