27 definitions by rtv0587

Asking the rich to help the poor and/or pay any taxes at all. Also known as "socialism", "Marxism", and "communism".
Liberal: Why is it so much to ask that rich Republicans pay their share in taxes and help the poor out a little, if they claim to be such devout Christians all the time?
Teabagger: COMMIE! SOCIALIST! That's CLASS WARFARE! Who cares about those worthless lazy welfare queens starving to death when gazillionaires all over America are struggling to afford their yachts, Hummers, private islands, and toilet paper made out of 100 dollar bills?
by rtv0587 February 9, 2012
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A person who believes that wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on war and tax cuts is okay and that criticizing the president automatically makes you an anti-American traitor, but only if the president is a white Republican. If the president is a black Democrat, it's suddenly okay to brandish assault weapons at his rallies, call him a communist socialist Marxist racist Nazi terrorist nigge...whoops, Muslim. Teabaggers are typically obese inbred southern WASPs who are still upset that they lost the Civil War. Most of them can't spell worth a damn and think "nuclear" is pronounced "nookyular". Despite what they say, 99% of teabaggers are white and Republican.
The teabaggers at yesterday's rally waved signs claiming that the Civil Right's Act is communist and unAmerican.
by rtv0587 January 8, 2011
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The four most dreaded words known to man, whether they be spoken by a significant other, boss, roommate, parent, friend, etc. Usually means you fucked up big time and are about to be dumped, fired, kicked out, disciplined, or at least threatened with some form of punishment or formal rejection. Known to be a leading cause of mini-heart attacks and paranoia.
by rtv0587 April 22, 2011
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Someone who goes out of their way to remind others how religious they are
by rtv0587 November 27, 2012
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A sex position in which the girl sits on a bathroom sink and the guy strikes a Captain Morgan pose at the point of penetration
I walked in on my friend doing his girlfriend Captain Morgan-style the other day
by rtv0587 November 22, 2009
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According to Republicans, anyone to the left of Eric Cartman
*liberal beats conservative in any debate*
Conservative: *turns red in the face* Spoken like a true commie!
by rtv0587 July 29, 2011
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The 7th planet from the sun, and the funniest, due to what it's name sounds like. Will eventually be renamed "Urectum" in the future to end these stupid jokes once and for all.
Uranus is a dark, gassy, and mysterious place

There are many rings around Uranus

If you don't shut the fuck up with these immature jokes, I'm going to rip Uranus in half
by rtv0587 April 20, 2011
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