32 definitions by david smith, jr.

A band worse than Nickelback, and that's saying a lot.
After learning about Hinder and listening to them, I forgave Nickelback.
by david smith, jr. February 22, 2008
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*manning conspiracy

i find it very convinient that for the second year in a row, a manning has beaten the patriots and we all know the mannings hate the patriots and how big of endorsement whores they are. hmmm...

and i'm a cowboys fan. well, there's bias against the new york giants because of that. but that's not the point.

oh, and eli still sucks you fucking morons.
by david smith, jr. February 20, 2008
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a paranoid individual who thinks everything causes cancer.
would you like to sign a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide?! it's a commonly used substance!!!

that's water you dumbass environmentalist.
by david smith, jr. April 21, 2008
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these idiots are also part of the blame for the increases in prices of everything
since the environmentalist democrats subsidized corn for ethanol fuel (which takes much more energy than oil), farmers now grow corn to sell as fuel instead of food and also won't grow other crops. the environmentalists also won't let us drill in alaska when it's rich in oil.

fuck environmentalists.
by david smith, jr. April 29, 2008
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More proof that whenever the federal government gets involved in places where they're not allowed to, something goes horribly wrong.
John Stossel's story on public schools being a piece of shit (Stupid in America, go watch it on YouTube) is 100% true.
by david smith, jr. February 13, 2008
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Dennis Kucinich claims that we shouldn't "play God and kill others" as his reason for his opposition to capital punishment, yet he is for abortion. So let me get this straight, it's perfectly fine to kill the innocent, but don't you dare try to punish the guilty. Now, I'm not for the death penalty (it's expensive, the innocent are sometimes killed and I'd rather die than go to prison), but Kucinich's reason is borderline absurd. He also supports gun control (which is an idiotic concept to begin with and is a direct violation of the second amendment). How exactly is he good again?
by david smith, jr. February 6, 2008
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I dislike George Bush as much as the next guy, but most of his criticisms are either rhetorical or flat out wrong. I'm going to cut out the stuff we've heard over and over.

1. Turned the largest US surplus into the largest deficit in American history, then gives tax cuts when he should be raising taxes to get more money for the country. (And of course, he only gives tax cuts to all of his rich buddies.)

Raising taxes isn't going to fix the economy at the rate we're spending you dumb shit. Anyone who thinks the tax cuts is what caused the recession knows nothing about even basic economics. What cause the recession is the massive spending when the government doesn't the money. It's so bad they raid the Social Security (more reasons why it sucks), borrow from China, or just print money. You know who can cut the spending? Congress. Guess who controls Congress: Democrats. When you cut taxes, people have more money in their pockets to invest into the economy. The government doesn't regulate the economy because this is not communism. If we ever cut spending, we may as well cut taxes.

6. Passes "Clean Air Act" which actually makes the air dirtier.

That and the act is a stupid idea anyway.

8. Quits the Kyoto Protocol because it would make his rich buddies actually spend some money to reduce global warming, and God forbid anyone has to spend money.

The Kyoto Protocol does three stupid things: Work with the United Nations, spend more fucking money despite the recession, and follow environmentalism when there's nothing wrong with the damn planet.

9. Throws ultimatums at the American people that only a complete idiot could fall for (and a lot have) like "You're with us or you're with the terrorists" and basically just gets America to be loyal to him out of fear.

Then explain why his approval rating is one of the lowest since Truman.

11. Has said enough stupid things to fill 265 pages of "Bushisms" books.

When Clinton fucked up, did we ever call it a "Clintonism"? No, we just called him a dumbass (if they weren't, I sure as hell was).

12. Gets elected into office after losing by over 10,000 votes. Do you think it's a coincidence that his brother was the governor of the state that the whole election depended on in 2000??

Which is precisely there shouldn't be democracies: only benevolent totalitarianism.
by david smith, jr. June 12, 2008
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