152 definitions by Vanguard 1998

When three or more political parties come together to support a particular piece of legislation or policy for the good of the people
Multipartisanship helps promote creativity when people are figuring out to design and implement governmental policies.
by Vanguard 1998 August 1, 2021
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Aka. P.T.S.P.; When an individual will sleep with people; regardless of whether or not they are romantically involved with them
Brandon will sleep with people regardless of whether or not he is dating them. He has a partner tolerant sexual preference.
by Vanguard 1998 April 15, 2021
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Primary Care Veterinarian, derived from PCP, which is an abbreviation for Primary Care Physician or primary care provider; the veterinarian, usually a general practitioner, who you bring your pet to receive most of their care and is usually the first medical professional you consult when your pet has a medical issue
Aliya: Hey Jordan. Do you want to hang out later? I don’t have to work this afternoon; so, I have some free time if you want to hang out.

Jordan: Sorry, but I can’t hang out today. I have to my cat to see their PCV for their yearly checkup.
by Vanguard 1998 August 6, 2021
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A gesture to the fact that allowing Speciesism to persist without some type of government over watch to keep it in check may over time greatly increase the chances of major disease pandemics happening, including diseases that have the ability to kill large numbers of people.
Dan: Its really sad that so many people have died from Covid-19.
Baxten: It is sad, but what’s even sadder, at least in my opinion, is the fact that all of this may have been averted if the Obama and Trump Presidential Administrations had done a better job trying to pass regulations to reduce the impact of Speciesism by doing things like requiring pet insurance to provide coverage for preventive health care visits and pressure states to pass regulations to reform their animal healthcare systems to make them more effective, accessible, and cost efficient.
Dan: That part I also agree with you on. Disease outbreaks like this are Speciesism’s hallmark after all.
by Vanguard 1998 March 13, 2021
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The processes by which society establishes new norms, expectations, and standards, and in some cases existing norms and standards are replaced, in regards to what is and is not acceptable in religious settings. These processes happen in various settings including schools, colleges, businesses, churches, news channels, state governments, federal governments, and homes. These processes can greatly impact how people think, act, and behave in various religious situations.
Yuliana: I wish more religions would be more supportive of giving women equal rights and protections.
Winston: Regrettably that may take a while to occur, the amount of time in which religious normalization occurs in many religions is relatively slow. It could take many years for those types of changes to happen, but the process might be accelerated if more national governments gave women equal rights to men, which would help pressure them into doing it.
Yuliana: I just wish it would happen faster.
Winston: We can always hope that some day more religions will be more supportive of women’s right.
Yuliana: I agree. Hopefully some day more of them will.
by Vanguard 1998 May 1, 2021
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A place, often a private business or organization, where it is prohibited to discuss politics or issues related to it, with exceptions for certain social issues and or issues that may affect how that business or organization runs
Evan: Hey, did you hear about the debate last night? I hear it got really intense when the candidates fought over how to address crime and government reform.
Simone: I know, but we can’t talk about that right now because we are in a political dry zone.
Evan: I have never heard of it. What is that?
Simone: It means this restaurant expects the people eating inside it to not discuss politics. If you don’t follow that rule, they will refuse to serve you and kick you out. This type of rule is often done to reduce stress on other people dining here and the restaurant’s employees and to help prevent violence confrontations by eliminating opportunities for intense disagreements to arise.
Evan: Okay then I’ll stop.
by Vanguard 1998 May 30, 2021
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1: An individual who claims to support a particular political party, but they seldom support a majority of the actions that party performs and or the policies they implement
2: A person, usually a young adult, who moves away from their parents or guardians’ home, earlier than most people do, and rarely to never speaks to their parents or guardians because of extreme differences in their political beliefs. Often times, this occurs because the individual is almost constantly having disagreements with their parents and or guardians, who don’t respect their views and put them down constantly because of their views, over various issues, which politics is frequently brought up, to the point where it is having a significant negative impact on their health and wellbeing. So, in order to improve their health, social and political freedom, and overall wellbeing, they wind up moving out as soon as they possibly can; often times to a place that is far away from their original home.
Angelia moved to Seattle, Washington to avoid constantly having to deal with her parent’s extreme political views. She is a political runaway.
by Vanguard 1998 January 5, 2022
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