23 definitions by The Ugly One

The theory held by some religious beliefs that God decided at your birth whether you will go to Heaven or Hell and you have no control over it.
If you believe in predestination that means you don't have to have morals or inhibitions.
by The Ugly One February 28, 2004
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The American Vehicle of Choice. Pollutes, drinks gas like camels drink water, and carries ten thousand more people than you could ever need to fit in a car at once, ever.

Commonly driven by anyone who feels like it. Blocks the view of people pulling out of parking spaces and the like.

Much bigger than most other cars, thus considerably more collision-safe (though less well-guarded in terms of rollover).
Now the road may have congestion,
But, hey, I'll get there alive.
So don't pester me with questions
Like "What would GANDHI drive??"

~God Bless My SUV, Capital Steps
by The Ugly One March 22, 2004
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verb: To Zoff. Evolved from saying 'piss off' too quickly. 'Zoff' became an insult. Then Zoff was made a verb. (See zoffing chair).
Kristen got zoffed.
by The Ugly One January 26, 2004
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Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee belowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Hey. That's my name. Please refrain from posting under my name in the future-- or face death and turmoil :-)
by The Ugly One January 29, 2004
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MUCH higher than I can count; I don't even have enough fingers to do that one.
Well, I can't count to ten but someone told me I've got ten fingers... That's close enough, right?
by The Ugly One February 28, 2004
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baked (clam-baked, though that's more specific)
When stuff is flying around that shouldn't be flying around and everything is wierd colors.
by The Ugly One December 17, 2003
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One... um... er... ah, er........ you know, why don't we just stop there?
by The Ugly One February 28, 2004
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