1 definition by Steve France

An individual or group that often denies that socialism is the intermediate step to communism. They go to great lengths to paint their Marxist agenda in terms on humanitarianism. By proposing "free" health-care for all, they deliberately deny the fact that one must pay a provider of medical services (usually through confiscatory taxes) or by conscripting doctors into being servants of the state. Further they deny that social monetary redistribution programs are take from the rich and give to the "needy" are programs based on Marxist dogma. In practice they rely on "progressive" tax structures to take larger and larger percentages from harder working and more motivated earners.

Communal social groups are the few working examples of a socialist micro society that works, but only because it is made up of like minded individuals. Cults are another example of collectivism.

Please look up the definitions from Websters cor further clarification.
Hillary and Barack's health care proposals are both socialist.
Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are based entirely on a Marxist model. Food stamps, welfare, aid for dependent children are extensions of these models. All take money from one class of individuals and spend it on another class of individuals while siphoning off the lions share to par for government employees.

by Steve France March 31, 2008
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