6 definitions by Mr. British

Rhythm & Blues, a music genre originating in the late 40's.

Today's popular music, like Destiny's Child and Mariah Carey, is actually NOT R&B. It's hip-hop and some nuthead decided to call it R&B. The real R&B artists are very annoyed by this.
What they call R&B today has nothing to do with original R&B, it's just pop music, says Irma Thomas, legendary R&B singer.
by Mr. British July 18, 2006
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British English equivalent to the American English swear word 'fucking'. It must be noted, however, that in Britain and Australia 'bloody' is considered to be much less offensive than 'fucking' is in America.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its origins lie in a reference to the aristocratic rowdies of the Restoration (i.e., those of noble or aristocratic blood).
by Mr. British July 5, 2006
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Someone who shows hateful or fearful behaviour towards paedophiles, even if they never showed intent to harm a child.
"Oh my God, he watches child porn! Call the police, he's a danger to my children!" - a statement a paedophobe is likely to make
by Mr. British July 19, 2006
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The phenomenon that, in a film adaptation of a book, certain characters are portrayed as a lot more stupid than they are in the book. Supposedly this is done to make the movie 'more entertaining', but it often annoys fans of the book.
The name is derived from Merry and Pippin, two characters in The Lord of the Rings who are a helluvalot more stupid in the film than they are in the books.
That Zaphod Beeblebrox is really suffering from the Merry-and-Pippin syndrome.
by Mr. British August 8, 2006
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Someone who actually engages in sexual contact with children. Paedophiles do not necessarily do this: many paedophiles like the thought of sex with children but would never actually take part in it.
Paedophilia isn't a crime; in most countries, paedosexuality is.
by Mr. British November 19, 2006
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Opening Post. The first post in a topic on an online discussion board, with which the topic is "opened".
- What's the URL?
- Read the OP!
by Mr. British July 17, 2006
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