691 definitions by MathPlus

When regularly contributing to Urban Dictionary could be an effective training ground to launching your creative writing career, because you are getting professional feedback for anything you think is funny or that would make lots of folks happy or angry—and the service is free and instant.
Unless you’re related to the editors or you’ve bribed them, it’s unlikely that you can get an entry approved if you’re a dull writer with a poor sense of humor or a puritan mindset. Why not hone your creative writing via Urban Dictionary? Why pay someone dearly to critique your writing when you’ve a team of first-rate volunteers-editors who would do it for you for free?
by MathPlus January 28, 2019
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Someone who collects face masks from different countries as a hobby: DIY masks, designer masks, defective masks, political masks, and the like.
With the coronavirus pandemic still raging and the wearing of face masks being mandatory in most parts of the world, maskelists have popped up in different parts of the world, as they see an opportunity to make some decent money from their new hobby.
by MathPlus March 10, 2021
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When cash-scrapped artists begin using toilet paper or rolls for their own creative expression—a proof that expensive materials are not necessary to create rich or beautiful art.
Modi from the BJP Academy of Arts likes to soak sheets of toilet paper with cow dung mixed with holy water from Ganges river to produce his contemporary or controversial toilet art works.
by MathPlus May 12, 2021
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The desire and hope among a number of developing countries that their own students could do well in math, if they were to adopt a math curriculum similar to the one used in Singapore.
A few local publishers are laughing all the way to the bank, as the result of the Singapore math envy of some African countries, which have started importing Singapore math books for their schools.
by MathPlus October 9, 2016
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When Jesus Christ, the King of kings, allows Ms. Corona, the present “queen of the viruses,” to roam the earth in inflicting pain and suffering to seven billion-odd people, and in some cases to prematurely end the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, young and old, white or black, or rich and poor.
Although God could end the coronavirus pandemic any time, however, it looks like He decided not to get involved in any conversation or negotiation between Christ and Corona, or between Christ and Lucifer, for whatever spiritual reasons.
by MathPlus December 22, 2020
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When Jesus Christ, the King of kings, allows Satan, the “father of lies,” to call on Ms. Corona, the “queen of the viruses,” to roam the earth (and possibly hell, too) to infect millions of people, and to prematurely end the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, young and old, rich and poor, or smart and dumb.
Although God has the power to stop the pandemic any time, however, it looks like He decided not to get involved in any conversation between Christ and Corona, or between Corona and Lucifer, for whatever spiritual reasons unknown to the earthlings.
by MathPlus December 4, 2020
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An antidote to “don’t worry,” which is an irresponsible act if you have bills to pay and a family to feed—giving in to more worry doesn’t free you of troubles tomorrow; it only saps more of your energy today.
Worry more won’t add a single hour to your life nor a single centimeter to your height, so why not worry less and cast your cares to Jesus, who promises to provide for those who depend on Him?
by MathPlus January 9, 2019
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