691 definitions by MathPlus

When people in some places are more likely to be bitten by a snake or cobra during a lockdown than contracting the coronavirus—these venomous reptiles are being spotted more frequently as they search for smaller or middle sized animals, which have moved away from their natural habitat, to survive.
Due to frequent lockdowns in a number of cities in China, people are more afraid of Covid-🐍 than Covid-19.
by MathPlus July 5, 2022
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The Chinese equivalent of “Who wants a Covaxin jab?” When China is aggressively involved in vaccine diplomacy, by donating millions of its home-made partially trialed and 50âș% effective vaccines to poor or emerging countries, whose populations have mixed feelings about these WHO-unapproved shots—is China trying to redeem itself or to make up for its earlier lies and cover-ups for failing to alert the world of the pandemic?
When beggars can’t be choosers, even if the vaccines have got zero WHO approval, how dare millions of recipients worldwide cynically or skeptically ask: “Who wants a Sinovac shot?”
by MathPlus March 23, 2021
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When someone knows enough about the number π that they are unlikely to be taken advantage of by mathematical charlatans or cranks.
A premium tuition center is inviting Prof. Pilate to conduct a recreational math lesson on “The Joy (and Pain) of Pi” for its privileged students, so that they’d not only be numerate but also piterate.
by MathPlus September 7, 2021
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When there is an imbalance in opportunity between one math student and another—say, for instance, between a student born in Singapore and one born in Sudan; or one attending a neighborhood school and another one in an elite or private school—which can be reduced or eliminated by affirmative action policies or by government grants or subsidies.
Covid-19 has exposed the mathematical entropy between those who can afford to study from home and those without a computer or internet connection.
by MathPlus November 26, 2020
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When the number zero starts exhibiting its mean or ugly side, by being a “numerical troublemaker” to other numbers in an arithmetic operation.
Zero can really be a “numerical asshole” if it’s allowed to behave in a zeroist manner vis-Ă -vis fellow numerals, when they’re part of a mathematical operation like 1 Ă· 0, 0 Ă· 0, or 0⁰.
by MathPlus November 30, 2018
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When the mathematical proficiency or quantitative literacy of a country is linked to the location where its math curriculum was formulated—for example, both developed and developing countries that have adopted the Singapore math curriculum, or adapted part of it, have generally performed better than those that are reluctant to take the risks.
Just as the color of the cat doesn’t matter as long as it catches the mouse, so the geography of math shouldn’t be a big concern for parents and politicians if the local or foreign math curriculum could produce a quantitatively literate or numerate citizentry.
by MathPlus April 29, 2021
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The raison-d’ĂȘtre for mathematics, not its applications and oft-long-winded or tedious proofs—because there is no place in the universe for ugly math.
What is beauty in mathematics? Being awed by beautiful patterns? Experiencing the pleasure or aha! feeling that transcends sexual bliss? What the heck is it?
by MathPlus January 11, 2019
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