66 definitions by Lucy

Talented band from Australia/New Zealand who were ruined for many by their songs being played on advertisements for teen drama The OC. This meant that 95% of 13 year old females were suddenly saying "OMG, I LUV EVERMORE DEY RULE DA WORLD! OMG, LIEK, IT'Z 2 L8 ROX SOOO MUCH!" This earned them the tag of "OC band" when really they should be rewarded on the fact they are incredible live, they make amazing, ambitious and uplifting music and they are three wonderfully sweet and talented men. Buy the album, ignore the "as heard on The OC" sticker.
It's Too Late, For One Day, Come To Nothing, Into The Ocean (Calling You)
by Lucy May 7, 2005
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To have hard nipples that are seen through your shirt.
"Dude, I'm smuggling tic-tacs. It's cold"
by Lucy October 21, 2004
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Cold. Very cold. Backround could be because of bricks of ice or because your nipples get like bricks. I don't know. Also brick city
by Lucy November 15, 2004
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Weed, Pot, M.J.

You get the picture.
I need to talk veetz with you!
by Lucy March 24, 2005
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She was a rowdy MoHo.
by Lucy February 16, 2005
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A resident of Missouri Suite at Cottey College in Missouri
You remember Dawn; she was a Moho in 1999.
by Lucy March 31, 2005
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