66 definitions by Lucy

too much patchouli. smells like moldy carrot
Yeah we had to spend an entire month to air out his room because it smelled like shitchouli. That crazy hippy.
by Lucy October 22, 2004
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welsh for a scratch. but not any old scratch, its a bitchy, lashing-out type scratch. Or a scratch that gets you serveral times in one go.
'Ah crap I scrammed my leg on that bramble' or 'the bitch scrammed my face'
by Lucy November 9, 2003
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A site that was intended as a place to make your own quizzes but has now become a gathering for idiot fangirls of Harry Potter, Inyuasha, et al.
If I wanted to read idiot ramblings of girls with no life, I'd read LiveJournal, not Quizilla.
by Lucy March 18, 2005
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