11 definitions by Heidi Wexler

Fifty Dollars worth of Crack, Estacy,
and a Rap group wondering how they got its name
Yo man I need 50 Cents so I can get some CAT from the Hood
by Heidi Wexler October 28, 2003
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Heaven compare to the impoverish streets of insane DIEGO .Rich people
that will take off their shirts for poor people so the can live A place of compassion ,hope,and service is well demostrated Santa Barbara is the Mainland version of Maui, Hawaii. There
is no place in the United States like this Paradise.
I was stuck in Santa Barbara for 4 years I feel like a pauper with a Princess appetite The surf is Rad at Rincon
by Heidi Wexler October 28, 2003
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A combanation of rat poison Carmel apple and crystal meth
Yo 50 cents worth of Metrocrack will get me goin
by Heidi Wexler October 29, 2003
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