213 definitions by Covido

When a CEO earns more than 300 times in a day what many of their workers earn in a year, or when the top 0.1% owns as much as the bottom 90% of the population.
The immoral wealth inequality is proof of pure hypocrisy by billionaires and CEOs, who never fail to point out that they’ll give away most of the wealth after their last heartbeat.
by Covido August 24, 2022
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An identified asymptomatic Covid-19 radical Islamist who is hell-bent to infect as many “infidels” as possible, who refuse to convert to their faith.
In Xinjiang, dozens of corrorists have volunteered to travel all the way to Beijing with the aim of infecting a thousand-odd hardcore Chinese Communists to “teach them a lesson” for cracking down on Islamic extremism.
by Covido November 22, 2020
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A corona-infected jihadist or terrorist who is hell-bent to spread the virus to as many “infidels” as possible to get even at the authorities for refusing to incorporate the sharia into the legal system, or for allegedly treating some radical Islamists unfairly.
In Xinjiang, dozens of corrorists have volunteered to travel all the way to Beijing with the aim of infecting a thousand-odd hardcore Chinese Communists to “teach them a lesson” for cracking down on “Islamic extremism.”
by Covido December 26, 2020
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