A lightweight, overpriced, overhyped, 128 horsepower shitbox from Toyota and was the hero car of Initial D
Oh God , why is the Toyota AE86 Sprinter Trueno so damn expensive?!
by SRrocketbunny October 16, 2022
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A Car or Minivan that every guy in lkwd gets because everyone else gets it
Shmuly: you got a toyota camry?
Yanky: no i got a toyota Sienna cause i already have 5 kids!
by Feigenbaum June 27, 2022
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Toyota: We don’t want our cars being involved in illegal street racing.
Need For Speed: pffftt... nerds.
by Justicewithtacosandweed November 25, 2019
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(n). Any older model of Toyota, specifically a 2003 Toyota Corolla, whose undercarriage and frame forms big pockets of rust and can be peeled off with one's finger after many years. The rust is so prevalent and brittle, it comes off in like potato chips.
for years, I drove a Toyota Corroded. While it got 40 miles to the gallon on gas, the frame started to fall apart. The rust came off in potato chip-like flakes, due to rust on the undercarriage. At 250,000 miles, it became a rust bucket.
by boggler January 28, 2019
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The official car of having bootleg Windows 98 installed on its infotainment screen, being remotely controlled with a phone, and having a literal shoe as a mascot.

If you drive this, you're either 65 years old, or 25 with no soul

You're actually here?!
A: "Why the hell does it look like it has no soul?"
B: "Who? The owner or the car?"
A: "Well, it's a Toyota Will Cypha, so both!"
by cyphalvr January 25, 2022
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