When you have to whiz and you're at a party or a public washroom where the lock is broken or is one of the locks where you don't know if its locked or not. Which puts your dick/twat on display while you're pissing to whoever opens the door to piss as well. Happens especially on toilets that don't face the door.

So you b(lock) the door while your (leak)ing or get a buddy to block the door.
Bob:Yo Steve, the bathroom lock is retarded and I have to take a piss.
Steve: Alright got your 6 o'clock, lets lock and leak.
by Slim Cognito August 31, 2015
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someone who is extremely outwardly freaky
jalen: i jus want my dick sucked from the back
henny: yuckkkkk u freak-a-leak
by ybab eineab February 18, 2022
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A scary little roof leak that you never knew you had until one day….BOO!!! You’re about to do some regular maintenance work and suddenly your breathe is taken away by the appearance of a $5,000.00 roof repair bill.
Homeowner: “ I never even knew I had a leak!”
Roofer: “That there is a ghost leak. Most folks don’t know when they have one, until it’s too late.”
by RoofZen August 23, 2021
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The act of pushing out a silent fart without being noticed or creating a scent. This is often a non-percussive fart in which air smoothly moves out of the butthole in a constant stream.
Being that we had burritos for dinner, I had to push out several sneaky leaks during the movie afterwards. My date did not notice.
by Boeford E. Snuts July 18, 2022
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Thomas: Wow my friend wet my bed.
Patrick: Yea, he is such a leak springer.
by PonchosSmellBad May 18, 2012
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