A god that cannot be thrown of his throne of power, he can destroy a YouTube channel in matter of minutes, he is to be feared
"Idubbbztv is a YouTube goddess."
by Bleach103 May 15, 2017
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The most epic human being in the history of the universe. Even more epic than Ninja.
iDubbbzTV is an epic gamer.
by NotPieGuy January 27, 2021
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An exclamation that was originally used by idubbbztv on a video on TVFilthyFrank's channel.

Used when a fat cunt gets a pewdiepie tattoo on his ass.
by OwBoi January 21, 2019
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A Youtube who makes unboxing, but is mostly known for his Content Cop videos exposing youtubers with cancerous content.
IDubbbzTV Totally ended Leafys carreer
by pixpix123 November 13, 2017
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