This is when you have a car and can drive meaning you can have sex anywhere and at anytime because you now have a place, and a way to get there.
She just got a lisence yk what that means she got some Mobile pus
by Imissmyexpleaselethimtakemebac February 8, 2022
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A certain vehicle that is dedicated to be smoked or vaped in.
Person 1: You wanna go get high as fuck?
Person 2: Yeah, let’s hop in the Chief Mobile.
by Drew Gorman October 10, 2022
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Smoking bongs in a moving vehicle. Can also be extended to driving to a carpark/spot and smoking in the parked car.
Stoner: "Smoking here at my house is getting boring, lets go for some mobile cones."
by Diego November 13, 2003
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Someone who’s x box is ether broken or outdated. Or they get it to play outside the house to look cool
by Im_chaos December 2, 2021
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this word is used for people with trash internet reaching from a mile away this word was used in juke - football fusion streams alot and now has envolved into the world used mobile reach now and mobile has 60 fps why pc players get more so mobile its alot more laggier
bro he takled me in football fusion he got mobile reach
bro i went through him i got mobile reach
bro fix your wifi you got mobile reach
by jukes231 March 7, 2022
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1: The Army tank Kim Dracula drives.

2: Another name for the Army tank Killdozer.
by LXXLoveRoulette August 4, 2023
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A mobile game where most toxic players will tell you to migrate there if you fucked up the game session from an another MOBA game. After entering the game, you'll notice that some features are taken from other games like the hero "Alucard" which has the similar skills with "Riven" from League and "Franco" with "Pudge" from Dota 2.

There's a global chat feature but it's not worth of your time as a lot of Tinder rejects can be spotted within seconds sending phallus-shaped emojis and asking for sex rather than discussing the current happenings or whatever related in the game. Surprisingly, the Hindi (India) channel speaks and communicate with English than the English channel itself.

It's also worth to take note that the game can be considered as pay to win. The emblem system which allow you to give your character different traits depending on what you selected, has levels which mean you can spend money to level them up fast and annihilate some F2P players. Plus the skins can make your characters a little stronger or tougher.

Would I recommend the game? Ehhhh... I'll give it a 5/10, at least the controls are far better than the other MOBA mobile game I've experienced

If you're curious about my game ID: 1605799531 (11936)
(Totally accurate in-game experience)
Junayuno: Hey while we're waiting outside and bored do you wanna play some Mobile Legends: Bang Bang with me?
Nifelime: Yeah sure.
Junayuno: Looks like I'm gonna be a midlaner since I main this three-skill-shot-of-death electric mage after all.
Nifelime: Fuck! Someone took jungle, I really want to use Hanzo but shiiittt... Guess I'll be the support/roamer then...
Junayuno: We need a tank, all of our teammates picked squishy low health heroes.
Nifelime: Hmmm... Belerick... nahhh not motivated to use him... Johnson... my left hand feels itchy so no...
Junayuno: Hurry up! You're running out of time.
Nifelime: This should do *picks Angela*
Junayuno: Oh no... fuck it let's just wing it.
H0rNyguyXX33: aiey angela bby r u a gurl?
Nifelime: Oi, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at top lane!
H0rNyguyXX33: okie here's my snap
AlwaysDCunt11: Jungle what are you doing? Kill the turtle you diff!
BerGrilsLuver: I would but there's three of them doing it already!
Junayuno: Hey I need assistance here, their midlaner is strong and I can't take him out!
Nifelime: Lol, you're just a mid... A mid player! Get it? Mid?
Junayuno: Yeah yeah whatever you say now hop on to me so we can kill this guy together!

*after a pause from pointless conversations and so, the game continues*
by Junayuno April 21, 2024
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