A word used to describe a member of the opposite sex. It means a person that would normally be well below your standards, but looks decent enough to sleep with while deployed to Iraq.
She's not pretty, but she's Iraqable.
by PFC Ninja February 20, 2009
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not a fucking third world country. people there are more well-off than a good number of americans, in terms of wealth. go there and see for yourself
man that anisah, she lives in iraq. and her house is so fucking huge.
by pika January 19, 2005
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Owned by the rival unexpectedly and illegally.

Another way of saying "Invaded".

Word of Origin:

Americans took over Iraq in 2003 by bombing Baghdad, which is an illegal act towards the UN and the world.
Example 1:

The American's Illegally Iraqed Iraq by bombing Baghdad and overthrew Saddam Hussein and now has full control of the oil and the country.

Example 2:

The hacker Iraqed the computer network system and now has the capibility of changing private information secretly.
by judenihal July 22, 2008
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To tell a girl all night during intercourse that you're going to pull out, but you never do.
1) "Dude, I totally iraqed this bitch last night!"
2) "--??"
1) "I fucked her hard, told her I'd pull out and then I never did!"
2) "--Sweet"
by mujazzman March 18, 2009
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1: A worthless patch of sand in the middle east region of planet earth. Inhabited by cattle, some of whom who wander around aimlessly until they find something to blow up. Other inhabitants wander around for their whole lives wondering why their lives suck. The Americans tried to liberate the Iraqi people from a cruel dictator, but the natives just stood around afterward screaming
"lelelelelelelele" and blowing things up, others just stood around wondering where "Pappy Saddam" went and why their lives suck.

2. A word that can ignite a liberal into a violent rage where he/she screams wildly "injustice, oil, rednecks" and various other terms

3. A hotbed of terrorist activity and unrest.

4. A military staging ground for the future confrontation with Iran.

5. A roach trap where the American military is a proxy for the citizens of America, diverting terrorist' attention away from plotting distruction in America.
1.Iraqi citizen: "durka durka...ooh bomb"....kaaboom!, "Saddam is an evil dictator....oh you desroyed his regime? I hate you filthy American! lelelelelele" Kaaabooom!

by Theghostfire March 7, 2008
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What retards call "Iraq". Let's make this clear, their is no "The" in Iraq, the country is just called "Iraq" look on any damn world map.
"I can't believe we're still in The Iraq"
"We've been in The Iraq for over 3 months"
"The Iraq? You mean Iraq?
by Kevin Esser March 12, 2008
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Classification for somebody you'd have sex with while deployed to Iraq. Generally refers to somebody you wouldn't dream of having sex with back in the U.S. unless you were completely drunk. Since alcohol is forbidden in Iraq, your only excuse is that you've been in Iraq for too long. In most cases this means over three months although in some rare and desperate cases it can be as little as one month or as much as thirteen months for the deeply religious.
"She's kinda ugly..."

"Whatever, she's Iraqable."
by PVT Tentpeg May 12, 2009
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